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Experience pure elegance with our "Elegant Blush and Eucalyptus in Long Glass" arrangement. This captivating ensemble combines the soft, delicate beauty of pink lilies and pink carnations with the refreshing fragrance of eucalyptus.

The pink lilies symbolize admiration and appreciation, while the pink carnations represent love and gratitude. Together, they create a harmonious blend of emotions, making this arrangement perfect for expressing heartfelt sentiments or adding a touch of grace to your space.

Eucalyptus leaves, with their soothing aroma and silvery hue, add a refreshing contrast, enhancing the overall charm of this bouquet.

Presented in a long glass vase, this arrangement showcases the blooms and greens in all their glory. It becomes a timeless centerpiece that embodies both sophistication and natural beauty.

Whether it's a thoughtful gift or a striking addition to your own decor, "Elegant Blush and Eucalyptus in Long Glass" is a testament to the enduring power of love and the serenity of nature's palette.

Elegant Blush and Eucalyptus in Long Glass

₹3,700.00 Regular Price
₹3,200.00Sale Price
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